Check-in Time:     2:30 pm

Check-out Time: 11:30 am

Guests can contact the motel for an earlier arrival time on the day of their arrival if needed.

Cancellation Policies

Guests have to inform the motel of any cancellations at least two days before the date of expected arrival (no later than 12 pm – noon). If the cancellation is made after this time, the rate of the first night of the stay will be charged.

Authorisation Form

If a guest is paying by credit card but is not the cardholder, the guest is then required to contact the motel in order to fill out an authorization form.

Download this form here.

Please fill in and send it to us before your arrival.

Fax to: 819-776-5843

Payment and Security

Your personal information as well as your credit card data are received and passed to the motel through a secure channel using the SSL encryption protocol. Our motel reservation system never charges your credit card except if you do not show up or if there's a late cancellation. Payments are to be completed directly at the motel.


Reservation Details
Check In:   Check Out:
Number of guest:
Suite: 1 Bed Smoking Rooms: 2 Beds Smoking Rooms:
1 Bed Non-Smoking Rooms: 2 Beds Non-Smoking Rooms:
Cardholder Information
Please fill in your personal information even if you do not book the room for yourself but you are the credit card's holder. You can enter the guest names in the next section.

First name: Last name:

E-mail Address:
Repeat E-mail:
Telephone:Mobile phone:

City:Province:Postal Code:
Guest Names (if different from cardholder's)
If you do not book the room for yourself please enter the name of guests here.
Credit Card Information
Card Type:
Card number:Verification Code:
Expiry date(MM/YYYY): /
You can enter your comments here: